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Welcome to cayman-fedi. A Jekyll theme with a simple #serverless comment system using Mastodon.


This theme itself is CC0 licensed. It includes DOMPurify, which is dual licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0, or the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.

Questions, Issues, Pull Requests

Any questions, issues or Pull Requests are welcomed at this projects repository at codeberg. Or feel free to ask me on Mastodon, where I am

How To Use cayman-fedi

It is a simple Jekyll theme, so I just expect you to have a running jekyll pipeline either locally on your machine or somewhere else.

Download the release file or clone the git repository, run a bundle install in the directory to get the dependencies installed, make the necessary changes to the _config.yml and file, create your own pages/posts and run a bundle exec jekyll build to get the static site files in the _site subdirectory that you can copy over to your webserver.

How to add comments


This theme uses DOMPurify in the /js/ subdirectory. The JavaScript for the comments is based on yidhra’s work, combined with Daniel Pecos Martinez’s work for the Hugo version.

The theme itself is derived from the wonderfully simple but beautiful Cayman theme, which I love to use for fast website building, whenever I have a weird idea and a domain name ;)

Who builds this site?

Right now (2023-04-01) it’s just me, Jan Wildeboer. I am an Open Source/Free Software veteran with a clear focus on positive progress in the communities that surround me — be it virtual or real. My main interests are in finding pragmatic, easy to implement ways of creating communities that help to change a lot of small thing for the better. My daytime job is Red Hat EMEA Evangelist. I am a long time member of the United Transnational Republics and work since many years on fully decentralised Identity Ownership, which I think is needed to establish a global democracy. My superpower is patience combined with listening and learning.


You can use your ActivityPub (i.e. Mastodon, Pixelfed, PeerTube and more) account to reply to this post.